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Basic komadi odjeće su oni koji su najvažniji u cijeloj priči. Da li vam se desilo da ste kupili neku novu stvar a niste je imali čime kombinirati? Upravo se od basic komada sastoji ovaj post. Tko zna, možda dobijete kakvu ideju za shopping. :)
Nosim crnu običnu pamučnu majicu s kardiganom boje lavande. Obožavam ga! Utaknula sam je u boyfriend poderane traperice. Nove su ove krasne jesenske lakirane cipele. Sviđaju vam se ?

Volim se oblačiti ležerno i osjećati udobno u odjeći koju nosim, ali pritom volim i dodati neki komad odjeće ili nakita koji će začiniti look i učiniti ga zanimljivijim. Mislim da ove cipele daju chic notu, baš kao i velika torba i kožna jakna, uz koju svaka ljetna roba izgleda zanimljivije. Slažete se?

Basic pieces of clothing are the ones that are most important in the whole story. Did ever occured you that you bought some new thing and didn't have nothing to combine it with? This post is exactly composed of the basic pieces of clothing. Who knows, perhaps you get an idea for shopping. :)
I wear a simple cotton black t-shirt with a lavender cardigan. I love it! I sticked it in ripped boyfriend jeans. These beautiful autumn patent shoes are new in. Like it?

I love to dress casually and feel comfortable in the clothes I wear, but in the same time I love to add some piece of clothing or jewelry that will spice up the look and make it more interesting. I think these shoes give a chic touch, just like a tote bag and a leather jacket, with which every summer clothing looks more interesting. Right?

T-shirt: H&M
Cardigan: Dorothy Perkins
Jeans: NewYorker
Shoes: Deichmann
Bag: No name
Leather jacket: Persunmall

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