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Ilok: Iločki podrumi i Principovac

Do sad ste na mom blogu mogli vidjeti ljepote Jadranskog mora i naše obale, a sada vas želim odvesti u drugi dio Hrvatske, koji je isto tako prekrasan. Moram priznati da mi je ovo bio prvi put da sam posjetila krajnji istok Hrvatske, grad Ilok i Vukovar. 

Pošto je Ilok poznat kao grad vina, ne čudi da smo posjetili Iločke podrume odnosno turističko naselje "Stari podrum", gdje smo i prenoćili. Kad smo stigli, imala sam dojam da smo došli u neki resort u Meksiku, prekrasno! U sklopu su dva vinska podruma iz 15. i 18.st. Druga klima, raspoloženje, fina hrana, fina vina, stvarno svima preporučam da posjetite ovo mjesto.

Sljedeći dan smo posjetili Ladanjsko imanje Principovac, koje je smješteno na prekrasnom brežuljku odakle se pruža predivan pogled na grad Ilok, Srijem i Bačku. Izgrađen je još 1864.g. kao ljetna rezidencija kneževske obitelji Odescalchi koja je ondje boravila u vrijeme lova i berbe grožđa.

Odlična destinacija za bijeg iz užarenog i užurbanog grada, uz dobro vino i slavonsku hranu zaboravit ćete na sve probleme i pronaći mir koji nam svima dobro dođe :)

By now, you could see the beauty of the Adriatic Sea and the coast on my blog, and now I want to take you to another part of the Croatia, which is also beautiful. I have to admit that this was the first time I visited the eastern Croatian, the city of Ilok and Vukovar.

Since Ilok is known as a city of wine, it is not surprising that we visited Ilok cellars and tourist village "Old Cellar", where we also spent the night. When we arrived, I had the impression that we have come to a resort in Mexico, wonderful! Within are two wine cellars from the 15th and 18th century. Another air, mood, fine food, fine wines,I really recommend everyone to visit this place.

The next day we visited Principovac estate, which is located on a beautiful hill with a beautiful view on the town of Ilok, Srijem and Backa. It was built in 1864 as the summer residence of the princely family Odescalchi, where they resided at the time of the hunt and the grape harvest.

The perfect destination to escape from the burning and bustling city, with good wine and Slavonian food will make you forget all the problems and find the peace that we all need :)

Za više informacija posjetite njihovu web stranicu
For more information visit ther web page

Beach essentials from Shein

Pozdrav svima! Ljetna sezona je službeno krenula i svi tražimo osvježenje bilo na plaži, bilo na bazenu. Ovdje je lista stvari koja će vam sigurno trebati za tu priliku. Sve možete pronaći sa linkovima koji vode na webshop.


Hi guys! The summer season has officially started and we are all looking to get a refreshment on beaches or pools. Here are the list of essential things you will need for that occasion. You can all find it with links to webshop.

Boho style: kimono

Jedan od najdražih trendova sezone mi je, kao što već znate, boho stil. Već neko vrijeme u ormaru mi stoji ovaj divni kimono i čeka za idealnu priliku da ga nosim. To se napokon desilo u Splitu, i baš mi je dobro došao zbog promijenjivog vremena. Osim toga vrlo je chic i podiže svaku kombinaciju, pa i onu najobičniju. Nosila sam običnu bijelu majicu, traper kratke hlačice, vintage torbu i nove sandale s debljim potplatom. Boho narukvice su dodatno upotpunile outfit. Savršeno za obilazak!

One of my favorite trends of the season is, as you already know, boho style. This beautiful kimono was suited for some time in my closet and I was waiting for the perfect opportunity to wear it. It finally happened in Split, and it was good to come in handy because of the differencing time. In addition it is very chic and raises each combination, but the one most simple. I wore a plain white T-shirt, denim shorts, vintage handbag and new sandals with thick soles. Boho bracelets made my outfit completed. Perfect for a tour!

Kimono: Romwe (similar: here)
T-shirt: old one
Short denim: Springfield
Bag: Vintage
Sandals: Deichmann

Flower print flare skirt

Peristil mi je definitivno najljepši dio Splita i prolazeći onuda znala sam da će biti idealna lokacija za moj outfit. Inače, Peristil je središnji trg Dioklecijanove Palače, u kojemu je bio izgrađeno nekoliko hramova. Danas se svakodnevno tamo odvija bogati gradski život.

Nadam se da ću sljedeći put imati više slobodnog vremena za popiti kavu na stepenicima uokolo Peristila jer sigurno je poseban i jedinstveni doživljaj. Noću, zbog svoje nesvakidašnje akustike, može se čuti muzika uživo, što ste mogli vidjeti na mom snapchatu ako me pratite.

Da bi se bolje uklopila s ovim predivnim dijelom palače i ostatkom grada nosila sam suknju cvjetnog printa koja se širi iz Shein. Savršene je dužine i zahvalnog materijala, te ima elastični struk i zato je vrlo je udobna za nošenje. Uz nju sam nosila crnu bluzu, malu zlatnu torbicu i lace up sandale na punu petu za maksimalnu udobnost.

Peristil for me is definitely the most beautiful part of Split and passing that way I knew it would be an ideal location for my outfit. Otherwise, Peristil is the central square of Diocletian's Palace, where it was built several temples. Today, every day there occurs rich city life.

I hope next time I will have more free time to drink coffee on the steps around the Peristil because certainly is a special and unique experience. At night, due to its extraordinary acoustics, can be heard live music, as you could see on my Snapchat, if you follow me.

In order to better fit in with this beautiful part of the palace and the rest of the city I wore a floral print flare skirt from Shein. Perfect length and grateful material, and has an elastic waist and therefore it is very comfortable to wear. With the skirt I wore a black blouse, a small gold purse and lace up wedge sandals for maximum comfort.

Blouse: H&M
Sandals: Deichmann
Purse: Romwe


Danas vam donosim jedan minimalistički outfit, s vrlo jednostavnim i klasičnim komadima. Minimalizam stoji svakoj dobi, građi i stilu. Kombinirala sam bijelu majicu s golim ramenima, crne hlače i lace up sandale. Crna i bijela kombinacija boja uvijek prolazi i takve komade je uvijek dobro imati, a i možete ih pronaći u svakom dućanu.

Za vikend putujem u Split, nisam bila od osnovne škole, tako da se jako veselim. Sve događaje dijelit ću na instagramu, pratimo se tamo :)

Today I'm showing you one minimalistic outfit, with very simple and classic pieces. Minimalism suits evey age, body shape and style. I paired white off shoulder t-shirt, black pants and lace up sandals. Black and white combination of colors always goes great and this kind of pieces is always good to have, and you can find them in every store.

I travel for the weekend to Split, I haven't been there since elementary school, so I'm very looking forward. I will share all events on instagram, so keep following me there :)

T-shirt: Romwe
Jeans: H&M
Bag: Dorothy Perkins