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Ilok: Iločki podrumi i Principovac

Do sad ste na mom blogu mogli vidjeti ljepote Jadranskog mora i naše obale, a sada vas želim odvesti u drugi dio Hrvatske, koji je isto tako prekrasan. Moram priznati da mi je ovo bio prvi put da sam posjetila krajnji istok Hrvatske, grad Ilok i Vukovar. 

Pošto je Ilok poznat kao grad vina, ne čudi da smo posjetili Iločke podrume odnosno turističko naselje "Stari podrum", gdje smo i prenoćili. Kad smo stigli, imala sam dojam da smo došli u neki resort u Meksiku, prekrasno! U sklopu su dva vinska podruma iz 15. i 18.st. Druga klima, raspoloženje, fina hrana, fina vina, stvarno svima preporučam da posjetite ovo mjesto.

Sljedeći dan smo posjetili Ladanjsko imanje Principovac, koje je smješteno na prekrasnom brežuljku odakle se pruža predivan pogled na grad Ilok, Srijem i Bačku. Izgrađen je još 1864.g. kao ljetna rezidencija kneževske obitelji Odescalchi koja je ondje boravila u vrijeme lova i berbe grožđa.

Odlična destinacija za bijeg iz užarenog i užurbanog grada, uz dobro vino i slavonsku hranu zaboravit ćete na sve probleme i pronaći mir koji nam svima dobro dođe :)

By now, you could see the beauty of the Adriatic Sea and the coast on my blog, and now I want to take you to another part of the Croatia, which is also beautiful. I have to admit that this was the first time I visited the eastern Croatian, the city of Ilok and Vukovar.

Since Ilok is known as a city of wine, it is not surprising that we visited Ilok cellars and tourist village "Old Cellar", where we also spent the night. When we arrived, I had the impression that we have come to a resort in Mexico, wonderful! Within are two wine cellars from the 15th and 18th century. Another air, mood, fine food, fine wines,I really recommend everyone to visit this place.

The next day we visited Principovac estate, which is located on a beautiful hill with a beautiful view on the town of Ilok, Srijem and Backa. It was built in 1864 as the summer residence of the princely family Odescalchi, where they resided at the time of the hunt and the grape harvest.

The perfect destination to escape from the burning and bustling city, with good wine and Slavonian food will make you forget all the problems and find the peace that we all need :)

Za više informacija posjetite njihovu web stranicu
For more information visit ther web page

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