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Trip and shopping - Graz

Osim dobrog shoppinga kojeg možete obaviti u Grazu, valja i nakon uspješno obavljene kupnje prošetati gradom i popiti kavu. Šteta što svaki put kad dođem bude tmurno vrijeme, možda sljedeći put bude više sreće.

Shopping smo obavili u njihovom shopping centru u Seiersbergu, konkretnije u Primarku kao i prošli put. Stvarno se isplati i preporučujem i vama da ih istražite. Većinu ostalih trgovina ima i kod nas pa nam nisu toliko zanimljive jer su ponuda i cijene iste.

Za kraj smo se penjali do starog grada (Schloßberg) gdje se nalaze ostaci dvorca s kojeg se pruža predivan pogled na grad. Još dok sam bila u srednjoj školi, sjećam se sata - kule koja se nalazi na vrhu. Stube su dosta strme pa budite pametniji od mene i ne idite gore u gležnjačama na petu :D ili jednostavno odite uspinjačom.

Besides to good shopping that can be done in Graz, it's not wrong after a successful purchase walk around the city and drink a coffee. Too bad every time I come here it's gloomy time, maybe next time will be more fortunate.

Shopping was done in their shopping center in Seiersberg, specifically in Primark like last time. It's really worth it and I recommend to you to explore them. Most of the other shops there we have also in Croatia, so we are not that interested at them as they have the same offer and prices.

In the end we went up to the old town (Schlossberg) where you can see the remains of the castle with a beautiful view of the city. I still remember from high school the clock - tower located at the top. The stairs are quite steep so be smarter than me and do not go above in the ankle boots with heel :D or simply go by funicular.

Coat: Zara
Dress: Primark
Ankle boots: Zara
Silk scarf: moms

Fashion.hr day 3: eNVy Room

Kao što već znate, ako me pratite, eNVy room mi je najdraži dvojac na hrvatskoj modnoj sceni i svaki put s veseljem iščekujem što su novo priredili u svojoj kolekciji. Ni ovog puta nas nisu iznevjerili, štoviše iznenadili su nečim novim, a ostali su i vjerni svom poznatom dizajnu.

Ženstvene i elegantne kreacije inspirirane modnim erama, od sedamdesetih do devedesetih, sa futurističkom notom, obilježenom metalik i neonskim bojama.

Tradicionalno, eNVy room zatvara svoju reviju s vjenčanicama koje će vjerujem željeti sve buduće mladenke. 

Uživajte u slikama!

As you already know, if you follow me, eNVy room is my favorite duo on the Croatian fashion scene and every time with pleasure I look for what new they prepared in their collection. Not this time they have not fail us, moreover they surprised by something new, while they stayed loyal to their familiar design.

Feminine and elegant creations inspired by fashion eras, from the seventies to the nineties, with a futuristic note, marked by metallic and neon colors.

Traditionally, eNVy room closes their show with wedding dresses that I believe all the future brides will want.

Enjoy the pictures!

Ph: Mateja Kuzmić

With my friend and jewerly designer Marina @mtwithlove

Fashion.hr day 2: Robert Sever

Na drugoj večeri Fashion.hr-a dizajner Robert Sever predstavio je svoju kolekciju "Martina". 

Vrlo chic i nosiva kolekcija u više od 60 odjevnih kombinacija, mogli smo vidjeti razne odjevne predmete: od krznenih kaputića, mekih toplih pletiva, preslatkih košulja s volanima, raznih hlača i suknji, do elegantnih haljina za večernji look. 

Svaka kombinacija zaokružena je nekim detaljem, tako modeli nose novi model popularnih kruna, vunene kape, marame i male torbice.

Pogledajte što sam uhvatila!

On the second evening of Fashion.hr designer Robert Sever presented his collection "Martina".

Very chic and wearable collection in more than 60 clothing combinations, we could see a variety of garments from fur coat, warm soft knits, lovely shirt with ruffles, various trousers and skirts, to elegant dresses for evening look.

Each combination is completed with some detail, so models are wearing a new model of the popular crown, wool hats, scarves and small bags.

Look what I caught!

With bloggers @daisyelegant @doradii

My look

Back to school

Škola je već počela, a i studenti su se vratili na fakultete, tako da sam ja odlučila napraviti jedan "back to school" outfit. Kombinirala sam novu Zaful jaknu sa vezom različitih motiva, osvojila me na prvi pogled! Mislim da će mi biti najdraži komad ove jeseni. 

Također, moram spomenuti neizostavan crni ruksak koji si već jako dugo tražim i želim. Moj dolazi sa Dresslily webshopa, i jako sam zadovoljna kvalitetom. Crna koža je klasika i može se nositi svaki dan.

Ruksaci su već pred neko vrijeme dočekali svoj veliki povratak, a odlični su zbog toga što nam stane brdo stvari, a ugodni su i lagani za nošenje. 

The school has already begun, and students are back to the faculty, so I decided to make a "back to school" outfit. I combined the new Zaful jacket with different embroidery motives, won me at first sight! I think it will be my favorite piece this fall.

Also, I must mention the inevitable black backpack that I was looking and wanted for a long time. My is coming from Dresslily webshop, and I am very satisfied with the quality. Black leather is a classic and can be worn every day.

Backpacks already had their big comeback before some time, and they are excellent because a bunch of stuff fit, and also pleasant and easy to carry.

Jeans: New Yorker
Ankle boots: Zara