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Nude & Denim

U suradnji s mladom fotografkinjom Jasnom Pašalić nastale su ove fotografije koje sam već najavila na instagramu. Ja sam oduševljena kako je sve ispalo, nadam se da će se i vama svidjeti! Ovo nam je bio prvi susret i vjerujem da će biti još toga u budućnosti.

Nosila sam novu bluzu koja me osvojila zbog svog vezenog cvjetnog printa, i traperice sa zanimljivim resama na rubovima sa Gamiss-a. Već sam vam predstavila njihovu online trgovinu - ovdje. Ponovno su me oduševili kvalitetom, brzinom dostave i prije svega, mjere su točne. Svega sam jednom naručila traperice prije ovih, i došao je dječji broj. Od tada sam bila skeptična, no, evo sa Gamissom nisam pogriješila.

Uz nove komade iz Gamissa, kombinirala sam svoju torbu boje vina i cipele na petu. Od modnih dodataka presladak sat sa slikom karte svijeta, možete ga kupiti za manje od dva dolara - ovdje.

In collaboration with a young photographer Jasna Pasalic were created these photos that I had already announced on Instagram. I am delighted with how it turned out, I hope you will like it too! This was our first meeting and I believe it will be even more in the future.

I was wearing a new blouse that won me because of its embroidered floral prints, and jeans with interesting fringe edges from Gamiss's. I have already presented their online store - here. Again I was enchanted with quality, speed of delivery and, above all, measures are accurate. Only once I ordered a pair of jeans before these, and they came with the children's number. Since then, I was skeptical, but here with Gamiss I was not mistaken.

With new pieces from Gamiss, I combined my wine color bag and heels. From fashion accessories adorable watch with a picture of map of the world, you can buy it for less that two dollars - here.

Bag: Happy home store
Sunglasses: New Yorker

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