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It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Božić nam je sve bliže, možete li vjerovati? Pokušavam se opustiti, ali imam još brdo obaveza prije vikenda. Ovo vrijeme uvijek bude ludnica, a vrijeme leti...totalno nestvarno!

Današnji post je zadnji koji smo slikali u showroomu Dobar partner, a nosim predivnu Robert Sever haljinu cvjetnog printa. Haljina Julija koju ja nosim dio je Severove kolekcije Kristina koju sam ove jeseni gledala na Bipa fashion.hr-u. Ponosna sam što mogu nositi i prezentirati vam kreaciju svog omiljenog dizajnera.

Ova haljina vam daje jedan poseban osjećaj kada je nosite, volani je čine vrlo romantičnom, a istovremeno i zavodljivom. Ono što je dodatno začinilo cijeli outfit je kruna u crvenoj boji. Jel nije savršena?

Na Tamarinom i Andreinom blogu možete vidjeti koje su haljine one nosile iz iste kolekcije, a ako smo vas zaintrigirale nemojte propustiti super sale ovog petka u Robert Sever showroomu.

Christmas is really close, can you believe it? I'm trying to relax, but I have a mountain of obligation before the weekend. This time is always crazy, and time is flying ... totally unreal!

Today's post is the last one we shooted in the showroom Dobar Partner, and I'm wearing a beautiful Robert Sever flower print dress. The Juliet dress I wear is part of Sever's collection Kristina, which I saw this fall in Bipa fashion.hr. I am proud to be able to wear and present you the creation of my favorite fashion designer.

This dress gives you a special feeling when you wear it, the ruffles makes it very romantic and at the same time seductive. What has further spiced up the whole outfit is a red crown. Isn't it perfect?

At Tamara and Andrea's blog you can see which dresses they wore from the same collection and if we intrigued you do not miss the super sale this Friday at the Robert Sever showroom.

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